Founded upon Him and His word in 1730
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10am
2092 Church Road Harleysville, PA 19438

The Love Of The Father, Hosea 11:1-11

In our God we have a Father who has nurtured His people [v1-4],

Secondly in knowing God’s our Father, we must look to how His children often respond to His love, and how we are often found to be children determined to leave the Father [v4-8],

and then thirdly in our foolish determination to leave God, we will see how God the Father responds, and we’ll discover is that God is a Father who draws in the scattered [v9-11].

Sermon Worksheet: Hosea 11 –
1. Hosea 11 marks a shift from marital imagery to __________________ imagery.
2. What is common for the Christian, but was hard for the Old Testament faithful to embrace?

3. Besides Jesus and His disciples, what’s the earliest reference to a Jew praying to God as their Father?

4. Hosea 11:1 is a verse that will be quoted in the Gospel of ____________________?
5. Was Hosea likely looking forward (to a messiah) or backward (to the exodus) when he wrote 11:1? Was the gospel writer also looking backward to the exodus?

6. What’s the dilemma God points out, He’s been dealing with in verses 2-4 in regards to His people?

7. So God is going to respond with what kind of love?

8. While the verses 1-4 of Hosea 11 make clear God has tenderly loved His people as a Father, what were His children still determined to do?

9. Instead of (the Northern Kingdom) Israel ending its cold war with Judah, and restoring the 12 tribe nation to the delight of God, what nations will the North ally with instead who will lead them to slavery yet again?

10. How can we live ‘Thy will be done’ as a foolish child? How can we live ‘Thy will be done’ as a faithful child?

11. Can God, a perfect Father, ever truly give up on His adoptive child? YES or NO
12. What kind of place does it sound like God is building for us – in His Fatherly love?

13. What was the cost of the first promised land? & What is the cost of the better and second promised land?

14. Pastor Kevin cites a common Christian memory verse, what was it? And which person of the Trinity [Father, Son, or Holy Spirit] does it actually emphasize?