Founded upon Him and His word in 1730
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42

Sunday worship at 10am
Worship Address: 2092 Church Road, Harleysville, PA 19438

Events Past (Page 4)

Vacation Bible School

Our VBS will be held Mon. June 17- Fri. June 21 from 6:30-8:30 pm @ Christ Evangelical Christian Church in Zieglerville. The theme is ROAR. Life is wild, God is good! All children are welcome. There is a sign up list downstairs to register. Volunteers are needed. Any adults or young teens who would like help, please sign up. Please see or…

Friday Night Fellowship Night

Join the pastor & his family for an evening of food & fun on Friday, May 31 at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The Parks will supply meatball subs & Caesar salad. You’re welcome to bring food as well. Please sign up on the info table, or call Pastor if you wish to RSVP.

Church Yard Sale in the Pavillion

Bring your family, send your friends!!! Tell all you know (& even some you don’t know) about this great sale! Not only are there treasures ready to be repurposed, there will be crafts pleasing to the eye & practical as well!

Resurrection Day [Easter]

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed! Come and celebrate this truth with us at worship on Resurrection Day Sunday.

Lent ends

This marks the end of the 40 days before, what is traditionally called The Passion of Christ. It begins this year on Wenesday, March 6th and it concludes on Thursday, April 18th.

Lent begins

This marks the start of the 40 days before what’s traditionally called The Passion of Christ. It begins this year on Wenesday, March 6th and it concludes on Thursday, April 18th.

Friday Night Fellowship

The Park Family will host a Friday Fellowship night at Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church on February 1st from 5:30pm-8pm. Our theme will be Burgers and Brats. Along with the meal there will be time for fellowship and board games. Feel free to invite any friends and family, who might like to come and & join us.

Consistory Meeting

Consistory meeting is scheduled for this date. Make sure any matters you might like the consistory to consider are in, at least a day in advance, so they may be reviewed at the meeting.

Old Goshenhoppen Caroling Party

On Dec. 23, you all are invited to bring joy and the songs of Christmas to the residents of Greenfield Assisted Living in Schwenksville. Kate & Matt Nice are serving cookies at their house starting at 3:30 for those who can get away early. If you can’t make it to the Nice’s, meet in the lobby of Greenfield a bit before 5…

Christmas Luncheon Party

Old Gosh’s Christmas Luncheon Party: After our Hanging of the Greens service on Dec. 9th, we will have our annual get together with plenty of food and fun! The children will perform and of course there will be games! There are sign- up sheets on the info table for the food needed for the festivities.