Founded upon Him and His word in 1730
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10am
2092 Church Road Harleysville, PA 19438

Mary Jane House Outreach

We will be preparing and serving a meal for Mary Jane House on Saturday February 20. We will be preparing Sloppy Joes, Hot Dogs, Mashed Potatoes, cookies, and drinks. You can contribute food, even if you cannot come to serve. We will also need people to go with us to Mary Jane to serve. We are also collecting winter clothing that we can bring with us, so please bring clothing donations to the church between now and the 20th. Please sign up to bring food and participate on the table downstairs. Please contact Cheryl Fanella for more info.