Founded upon Him and His word in 1730
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10am
2092 Church Road Harleysville, PA 19438

Paper Recycling

We have a Paper Retriever recycling bin in our parking lot for paper recycling.
What can be put in the bin? – Catalogs, Magazines, Newspapers, Junk Mail, Office Paper, Fax Paper, Shredded Paper Notebooks, Folders. Please NO phonebooks; NO CARDBOARD; NO cereal boxes, chipboard, milk cartons, soda cartons, or food cartons of any kind – We cannot recycle those items to make newsprint.

Abitibi – Consolidated is the largest recycler of paper in North America. They are approaching 20,000 containers nationwide and have over 650 containers in the Philadelphia area. Their program is unique because they offer a rebate to our church every month from the paper we collect.

Every day 66 million newspapers are purchased in the United States and 44 million are thrown away and not recycled. That is a complete waste of valuable resources. Every piece of paper that is placed in our container is sent to a 100% Paper Recycling Mill and is turned into new paper. The paper is then sent to newspaper manufacturers where it is printed and distributed back to the public. After the public reads the paper, magazines, catalogs, etc. they place the papers in the Paper Retriever and the process starts all over again. The paper you place in the container today comes back to you as new newspaper in about 2 weeks.

1 of every 3 newspapers manufactured in North America is printed on Abitibi paper. In fact every time a container is filled with paper it saves 17 trees from being cut down. If your container fills once a week, your organization will save 884 trees per year. What a great way to do your part to help the environment.

Becoming a “Good Steward” to the environment is critical as landfills continue to fill with paper that can be recycled. In fact 40% of landfill space is actually filled with good paper that should be recycled.